tethered flame (fire)
over a mountain range (chain)
melting north
we sit in a caldera
collecting heat
trees shimmering
in the gaseous waves
my third ocular
fueled by the sun (moon)
golden lumens
magnetize the eyes
migratory birds awaken (flutter)
in the mind
one hand reaching
into a burning star (sun)
the other plunged
into a frozen pond
heaven and earth combine (touch)
holding us creatures
of the middle world
Here we are together in these wild times, as many of our ancestors have been before us. I have been fired up to find ways to engage in the cultural landscape of fascism over the last month. My weapons are art and the written word. It didn't take long for me to act illegally through my own form of graffiti around the area.

Why this statement? I believe it is our warm animal heart that we must turn to in this moment. To explore this idea more, please read my recent essay.
I have also chimed in to local politics in our free county paper The Commons about the suggestion that Brattleboro stop funding social service agencies.
Exercising my agility to move between the cosmic and the current in word and image. How are you holding these two realities? I invite you to join my free private, online circle Cosmic Connect (pwd is cosmicconnect) to sit in a creative sangha (community). I would love to see past students, clients, and new collaborators together, sharing art, writing, and spiritual inquiry with me.
Today I write you from in bed, as I navigate some health issues. So many of us hold physical and emotional pain, as we continue to shine bright in our worlds. Learning when to rest, when to dance, when to speak, when to retreat...
with love and solidarity,

‘The question is -
What do you do with these fleeting days?
What do you seek?
What is it that you truly desire?
What is your prayer? Your vow in life?
You must look into yourself to answer this question’
--Shodo Harada